Invitation Letter

Jl. Belitung no.8

Mediteran                                                                                                                      August 28, 2018
Syifa Indira
Student Council President

Subject: An invitation for Iftar Gathering

Dear Syifa Indira
Alow me the pleasure of inviting you, on behalf of SMA NEGERI 3 BANDUNG  Iftar Gatheering. The reason for writing this invitation letter is because we want to tie our kinship to staff, teacher, and also student. We will form “silaturahim” in this event. And it would be a good opportunity for us to get know each other better as well.
The Iftar Gathering is scheduled on the 30 april 2017 and will begin at 5:30 pm. The event will be taking place at aula SMA NEGERI 3 BANDUNG, which is located at Belitung streets no 8.
Please give our reception a call on 0812345678 to inform us whether you will be attending. We look forward to seeing you there and getting to know you better in the coming weeks.

Yous sincerely,

Sabrina Diva
Contact details:
Siti Nadya Khoirunnisa (0812345678) or Sespiana Ramadhina (08987654321)


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