Bakti Desa

Bakti Desa

on the 3rd to 5th January, 3 senior high school Bandung held a social event, namely the bakti desa. These social activities are routinely held by schools, and must be followed by all 11th grade students.

on January 3, or on the first day, all participants gathered in the school corridor at 7 am. and go directly to public transportation to go to the location, in the village of Cibireum, Kertasari sub-district in the south of Bandung city.

when we arrived in cibereum village we were immediately directed to enter the village hall. in front of the village we are grouped into several groups and immediately handed over to foster parents respectively.

when he arrived at the home of the foster parents, my group was warmly welcomed, and we were immediately told to rest first. after the Ashar prayer, we help foster mothers prepare dinner.

on the second day, Mes. diana invited all 11th grade to go to gardening. we walked around 4-5 villages, far enough and it was almost midday so the weather was very hot. but all the fatigue pays off with a very beautiful natural landscape.

and the last day arrived, I think this last day has a lot of likes and sorrows. because we will part with my adoptive family, I am very sad even we cry :(. then we left early in the morning to go to situ cisanti, situ cisanti is a small lake whose water comes from 7 springs. It is very beautiful, and we take many pictures of memories.


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